Rosalee Pilling
Passion | Progress | Potential | Purpose

By Rosalee Pilling | 04/12/2020

In this time of utter uncertainty, where we have no idea when, where, why, or how, This is our chance to reset our lives. It is very difficult to hear people talk about their loved ones getting sick and entering the hospital never to return. Thousands of families are torn apart and grief is everywhere with the loss of life, social norms, health, mental wellness, jobs, freedom, and self-control. Despite all of the theories out there about what is happening with the COVID-19, people don’t know what to believe.

What can you do in a time like this? Outside of the physical precautions- washing hands, social distancing, self-assessment, and staying home, there is a mental precaution that we must take as well. I say this because the physical and the mental work in tandem, and for us to get through this, we must engage both. If we focus on one, and not the other, we open the door for continued suffering, and or trauma. The COVID-19 is one of those problems that requires more FAITH to fight. Think about it, there is no definitive scientific solution for stopping this virus, and it will come and go without any full explanation. People in the media will speak as though they have the answers, and don’t get me wrong, some of these insights make sense and seem plausible.

However, as soon as one idea emerges it is debunked by the virus. Take for example the fact that once upon a time the virus was said to be targeting only older adults, but now we know that this is not true as we have evidence of people dying across all levels of development. Second, it was said that the virus does not affect animals, and behold a tiger was infected with the virus. Third, one set of the population believes it is a virus from the Corona family, and others believe that our greed for speed by way of the 5G is our undoing. This virus is a mystery (I say this because nobody really knows how it operates). This virus has a life of it’s own and it does not discriminate. When the dust settles I believe that we will either emerge changed for the better, or for the worst. The good thing is that we have slowed down.

Take a minute to reflect on life before COVID-19, and what life is like as you are reading this, then grab a pen and note book and start writing what you want life to be like from this day forward. It is time to reset. Let us listen when others are speaking rather than hearing the sound and giving automatic responses. Let us stop and look at the beauty of nature, and of each other, and let us focus our attention on what really matters. Let us exercise deep breathing instead of taking shallow, anxious breaths that are not sufficient to oxygenate our phenomenal brains. Let us feel without blocking and numbing. Let us slow down and take back control over our senses/portals. Let us be very intentional about what we let through our portals and utilize this time to reset our lives. This virus has a purpose and so do we. This is the time to reset your lives and Be You Because No One Else Can.


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